
2022 Endurance Season:

EnduranceRegion 5 Endurance season is about to get started.   Most of these rides have an “intro ride” or “trail ride” that is a shorter distance to allow you to try the sport without jumping into the limited distance of 25 mile. These intro rides are non-timed events, so you can take as long as you need to finish, yet still go through the vetting requirements to learn the process.  If it’s something you are thinking about trying it’s the best way to experience endurance without the stress of being timed.    

Another great thing about endurance, is there is really no dress code other than the required helmet while mounted per EDRA rules.  You can use any saddle and any tack that best fits your horse and clothes that you feel comfortable in.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  
Jala Neufeld
C: 253-617-8945 (leave message or text)



PNER Description:

Click the link below to view the PNER Ride calender with map. It includes both AERC and EDRA sanctioned events:

The purpose of PNER:

a)      To promote equestrian endurance events in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States of American and Canada, approximating the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Western Montana and the Canadian Province of British Columbia.

b)      To provide for the recording and publication of scientific data relating to the condition and performance of horses during recognized events.

c)      To encourage the recreational use of trails on public lands in the Pacific Northwest region.

d)      To disseminate historical information relating to trails.

e)      To cooperate with State and Federal agencies, which have jurisdiction over public lands and resources.

f)       To carry on any activity and to disburse all funds received for the aforesaid purposes without limitation, provided that no such activity shall be conducted by PNER which is not permitted by a corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or any corresponding future provision of said code, and that PNER shall not attempt to influence legislation by propaganda or otherwise, nor shall it intervene or participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for political office; and provided further that no part of the net earnings of PNER shall inure to the benefit of any member or private individual, and no member, director or officer of PNER shall receive any pecuniary benefit from PNER, except such reasonable compensation as may be allowed for services actually rendered to PNER.



2022 EDRA Northwest Rides


2022 AERC Northwest Rides:




 Reports and Programs:

AERC Trail Volunteer Hours Report

Reasons it is important to log your Trail Hours.

1) The information is used when meeting with agency leaders and members of Congress. They need to know the time and energy AERC members spend in doing trail maintenance. The data on current volunteer hours and their equivalent-in-kind value are eye opening.

2) These statistics are used in public comment letters on land use and recreation plans to demonstrate that AERC is a serious player that “gives back” generously to our trails and public lands. These statistics help to cement AERC’s standing in the planning process, including our right as an affected party to challenge poor agency decisions.

3) We share this information with donors and charitable foundations when seeking grants for AERC.


AHA Distance Programs

OEIP - Do you enjoy participating in national all-breed events including competitions hosted by national organizations in dressage, endurance, driving, cutting and eventing? Or, do you compete in local open shows hosted by local clubs, saddle clubs, even other breed associations? If so, AHA would like to present you and the Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses you compete with the opportunity to receive recognition and awards for your accomplishments.

The Open Event Incentive Program rewards both riders and horses that excel in all-breed competitions outside of the traditional Arabian horse community. As a participant in OEIP, you and your horse will accumulate points based on how you place in competitions and be rewarded for all of your achievements and hard work.

Riders who participate in OEIP will earn recognition and awards based on the number of points they accumulate. In addition, the horses used in these competitions will automatically have their accomplishments recorded in their permanent event record in the Arabian Horse DataSource world database.

Horse owners that do not compete as the rider may also join the program and enter horses they own without the rider being part of the program.

**Note – EDRA is a recognized by OEIP


FRP - The Frequent Rider Program (FRP) awards riders for every hour that they spend riding or driving an Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horse in non-competitive activities.

The Arabian Horse Association is committed to recognizing and rewarding the riders who work with and enjoy Arabian and Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horses - in all types of non-competitive riding and driving.

The best part of the FRP is that the type of riding doesn't matter as long as it is non-competitive! Whether you use an Arabian or Half-Arabian/Anglo-Arabian horse to trail ride, do ranch work, participate in parades, take riding lessons, train under saddle or just ride or drive for pleasure, you can now be recognized and awarded for what you love most. 


CDP - Do you like to spend time on your horse competing in distance riding events such as Endurance Rides, Competitive Trail Rides, or Ride and Tie competitions? If so, the Arabian Horse Association would like to present you with an opportunity to receive recognition for your accomplishments.

The Competitive Distance Program (CDP) promotes and rewards riders who use Arabian horses to compete in distance riding events. Your efforts and achievements will be rewarded with recognition and prizes.

The Arabian horse is the most popular choice for distance events, and AHA wants to recognize your accomplishments! Join now to start tracking those hard-earned miles. 

**Note – EDRA is a recognized by CDP


About Region 5

2021 region5 logo

The Arabian Horse Association's Region 5 encompasses Alaska, Washington, Northern Idaho, and Western Montana. Region 5 has earned the respect of Arabian horse competitors across the country. Whether for show, endurance or dressage, horses from the Pacific Northwest are among the best in the nation. The quality and caliber of our Region 5 horses are evident by the results of highly competitive shows such as the U.S. Nationals, Canadian Nationals, and Scottsdale.


mollys custom silver    We feature STOCK buckle designs that can be customized by changing simple details with NO CUSTOM CHARGE.  

If you need COMPLETELY CUSTOM we can create just about anything, and we are not limited to buckles.  We supply many types of western silver items and more, even the slightly odd item from time to time.  Recently we created a 6 inch wide solid bronze piece that was needed for a very unique hood ornament!  Not for an MBZ or BMW, but a pick up truck, of course! 

Click here to visit their website